Tector class star destroyer
Tector class star destroyer

tector class star destroyer tector class star destroyer

A similar system would be described by New Republic scholars as the Imperial Classification System in many of the West End Games sourcebooks. 60,000 light-years (effective) On future designs, this dual bridge design was also employed.

tector class star destroyer

Hyperwave comm/scanner The Legacy-Class Star Destroyer played the role as a pure frontline battleship, putting the emphasis of raw firepower unlike the carrying capacity of the popular Venator-Class Star Destroyer. Model For planetary assault, these ships carried sixteen Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry to supplement the atmospheric wing and to convey troops to battlefields. Complement Star Wars Fanon is a FANDOM Movies Community. Imperial Venators were also used as part of the security cordon for the Sanctuary Pipeline to the Endor system during the construction of the Death Star II. The expanded carrier role made the Venator-class popular amongst Jedi starfighter aces.

Tector class star destroyer